About Us

family business
slow fashion
responsible production
The idea of the MINAMI brand started with the birth of our daughter MINA because we began to realize how difficult it is to find a quality product that would give children comfort and a modern look … that’s how the family business story began. We dedicate great attention to our pieces being made of soft cotton, following the urban design and high quality production. From the materials we use deadstock fabrics and leftover fabrics from production, natural cotton and ecological materials, which we want to raise the mission of MINAMI clothing to a new level of sustainability by encouraging awareness of nature conservation.
MINAMI models are the result of our own ideas and in many ways differ from classic children’s clothing. The Minami design do not contain many different patterns, outlined motifs and a variety of colors. The cuts do not follow the strict body and children can wear them for several seasons, they are fluttery and layered, which makes them practical and fun to wear, all with an emphasis on comfort, practicality and unseasonal.
We follow slow fashion and in not creating large quantities of goods, it is done in small batches, mostly to order, which makes each piece of clothing extra special for the future owner. With such an approach, we can fully devote ourselves to each piece of clothing through all stages of creation and development of the model; from the selection of fabric, construction and tailoring, to achieving the functionality of the final product for the complete satisfaction of the client.
Make Quality Products
Give More Value
Fewer, Better Things
Details Matter

obiteljski posao
održiva moda
odgovorna proizvodnja
Ideja o brendu MINAMI započela je rođenjem naše kćeri MINE jer smo počeli uviđati kako je teško naći kvalitetan proizvod koji bi djeci pružio udobnost i trendi izgled…tako je započela i obiteljska poslovna priča. Veliku pažnju posvećujemo da naši komadi budu izrađeni od mekanog pamuka, prate urbani dizajn i visoke kvalitete izrade. Od materijala koristimo deadstoke tkanine i višak tkanina iz proizvodnje, prirodni pamuk i ekološke materijale čime želimo misiju MINAMI odjeće podići na novu razinu održivosti poticajući svijest o očuvanju prirode.
MINAMI modeli rezultat su vlastitih ideja i u mnogočemu se razlikuju od klasične dječje odjeće. Krojevi i dizajn ne sadrže puno različitih uzoraka, crtanih motiva i raznolikih boja. Krojevi ne prate strogo tijelo te ih djeca mogu nositi i više sezona, lepršavi su i slojeviti što ih čini praktičnima i zabavnim za nošenje, a sve opet s naglaskom na udobnost, praktičnost nošenja te u korak sa trendovima.
Slijedimo slow fashion i u tome da ne stvaramo velike količine robe, ona se radi u malim serijama, uglavnom po narudžbi što svaki komad odjeće čini dodatno posebnim za budućeg vlasnika. Takvim pristupom možemo se u potpunosti posvetiti svakom komadu odjeće kroz sve faze nastajanja i razvijanja modela; od odabira tkanine, konstrukcije i izrade kroja, do postizanja funkcionalnosti konačnog proizvoda za potpuno zadovoljstvo klijenta.


Let's make magic together